Pain relief without drugs or surgery

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Dr. Thomas Walaszczyk is a Board Certified Chiropractor serving Newton, Andover, Sparta, Hampton, Freedon, and the surrounding communities in Sussex and North Warren Counties.

From headaches to herniated discs, pinched nerves to sciatica, shoulder to knee problems. Dr Walaszczyk provides hands on relief from the most common musculoskeletal problems without drugs or surgery. Call now to schedule an assessment of your problem.

Most people know very little regarding the history of health care and the importance of manual treatment of their joints and alignment. Chiropractic was discovered in 1895 after thousands of years of Doctors investigating what was known as "spinal lesions".  Spinal "lesions" were areas of the spine that were found to be tender and were associated with the nerves that left the spine serving the organs that were involved in a person's illness. The Physicians in the past developed many different methods for alleviating illness by manipulating these spinal nerves.  In Chinese medicine they found these areas and use needles to clear the tension blocking the nerve energy.  Massage therapists rubbed the areas and talked about the lymph fluids. In 1895, with the development of the X-ray machine, for the first time, Doctors could see the vertebra associated with these spinal "lesions" and found the vertebra was out of place causing the interference to normal function.  The new insight lead to the correction of the spinal lesion by correcting the misalignment.  Chiropractic was born due to the X-ray machine.  The word "Chiropractic" actually  means "done by hand" and was derived from the Greek language.  At the same time as Chiropractic was developed, a similar spinal manipulating method was developed and called Osteopathy.  Osteopathy (D.O.) continues to this day, however the modern Osteopath practices more like a medical Doctor providing chemical therapy or performing surgery.  Only Chiropractic  continues to study and expand on the art of reducing these "spinal lesions" which is considered the cause of dis-ease. The modern science of Chiropractic has developed considerably since 1895 however detecting misalignments is still performed by the use of X-rays. People interested in achieving better health or finding a solution to a specific health problem would be well advised to have their spinal columns checked for spinal misalignments.  The Chiropractic profession is the only profession educating and training their Doctors to detect and correct spinal misalignments causing nerve interference.. 

Dr. Walaszczyk's experience in correcting spinal subluxations and soft tissue injuries of the spine and extremities spans over 28 years.  Dr. Walaszczyk begins his examination process with a detailed history of the patient's complaints followed by neurological, orthopedic and Chiropractic evaluations.  On site digital X-ray is conveniently provided allowing for same day evaluation and identification of the problem.  Treatment for acute and chronic soft tissue injuries includes  electric stimulation, interferential therapy, vasopneumatic therapy, ultrasound therapy, and low force spinal decompression.  Clinical rehabilitation exercises are provided on specialized rehabilitation equipment designed to balance and strengthen the spinal column and pelvis.  Chiropractic success depends on the Doctor's capacity to measure and correct misalignment in the base at the pelvis and specific levels in the vertebral column. 

Dr. Walaszczyk and his staff at Sussex County Total Health are dedicated to providing patients an affordable, positive experience through which to achieve a pain free life style without the need for medication or surgery.  Sussex County Total health offers various methods of Chiropractic Care from traditional to modern providing a positive experience for patients who wish to regain their health, mobility and quality of life. 

If you are new to Chiropractic and have questions, email Dr. Walaszczyk at or call and speak to one of the staff members to set up a consultation with the him at (973) 579-1660. 

"Observational study found that low back pain patients receiving chiropractic care, which typically includes spinal manipulation, are more satisfied than those receiving medical care."  -New England Journal of Medicine


Dr. Thomas Walaszczyk

National and State Board Certified Chiropractic Physician

Sussex County Total Health
40 Moran Street Newton, NJ 07860

(973) 579-1660



Dr. Walaszczyk specializes in the comprehensive approach to acute and chronic pain syndromes affecting the spine and the extremities

  • Neck Problems
  • Headaches
  • Shoulder, Arm, Elbow and Wrist Pain
  • Carpel Tunnel Syndrome
  • Lower Back Pain
  • Hip, Knee, Ankle and Foot Pain
  • Sciatica
  • Herniated Discs
  • Spinal Stenosis
  • Radicuitis
  • Neuropathy
  • Slip and Falls
  • Auto-Accidents
  • Sports Injuries
  • Scoliosis

Dr. Walaszczyk provides patients with the following services and levels of care:

  • Traditional Chiropractic based on an X-Ray analysis of the spinal column and pelvis
  • Cox Technique, on a special table, provides acute lower back pain patients an easy way to reduce pain and restore mobility
  • Non Force Activator Method for patients fearful of neck adjustments by hand
  • Logan Method - extremely gentle technique especially for children
  • Spinal Decompression - using special table and a gentle method to restore the spinal curves back towards normal
  • Spinal Rehabilitation - performed on specialized equipment in the clinic for restoring stregth, balance and mobility
  • Nutritional Supplements

Health Articles

Nagging Sacroiliac Pain and Abnormal Posture Helped with Chiropractic
Nagging Sacroiliac Pain and Abnormal Posture Helped with Chiropractic
The Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research published the results of a case study on June 17, 2024, documenting the improvement is postural irregularities and nagging sacroiliac pain with chiropractic care. The sacroiliac joints, often called the "SI" joints, are the joints where the two hip bones (ilium) . . .
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Seniors Under Chiropractic Care Have Less Chance of Falling
Seniors Under Chiropractic Care Have Less Chance of Falling
A retrospective cohort study was published on October 24, 2024, on the open science site Cureus that showed that seniors who are under chiropractic care have less incidence of falls when compared to those not under chiropractic. Falling is a serious and common problem for seniors. According to the National . . .
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Mood, Sleep, Digestion, and Emotions Improved in a Child Under Chiropractic
Mood, Sleep, Digestion, and Emotions Improved in a Child Under Chiropractic
On June 28, 2024, the Asian-Pacific Chiropractic Journal published the results of a case study documenting the dramatic improvement of a young child under chiropractic care, who was previously suffering with mood issues, sleep problems, digestions, social interactions, and a variety of other developmental . . .
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Chronic Episodes of Vomiting and Nausea Helped by Chiropractic
Chronic Episodes of Vomiting and Nausea Helped by Chiropractic
On August 26, 2024, the Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health published the results of a case study documenting the improvement, under chiropractic care, of a young patient who was suffering with Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome (CVS). . . .
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